This form is only for payment by cash, check or money order. For payment by credit card (VISA, MasterCard, or American Express), non-US currency or First Virtual, please use the "Register Munchies" program.
Please fill this form and return a printed copy with a check or money order for $8 made out to Michael Fan, and mail to:
Michael Fan
1514 E. Edison St.
Tucson, AZ 85719
After your registration is processed, you will receive a special registration code that will personalize your copy of Munchies!, remove the Annoying Shareware Reminder™ and add level menu. The registration code will be sent via email if an email address is provided. Otherwise, it will be sent via snail mail.
Name you would like to appear on the title screen:
Your Postal Mail address
postal code:
Your electronic mail address:
service: [ ] CompuServe [ ] America OnLine [ ] internet [ ] other
e-mail address:
In order to make this a better product we at KidShare Software would like your feedback. What do you like about it, what do you dislike, what features would you like to see added, etc.?